A shotgun needs the right ammo before it’s worthy of defending your life. This 12 Gauge 00 buckshot ammo from Federal’s Personal Defense line of shotgun shells? Well, many would argue that it’s the best ammo for such an important job.
This 2-3/4” shell is loaded with nine pellets of double-aught buck. The shot has two key features that ensure its pattern is as dense and therefore effective for self-defense as possible. First, it is copper-plated. This keeps the 1/3” diameter lead shot pellets from deforming and losing their aerodynamic profiles under recoil. It also makes them stronger for more reliable penetration through barriers, bone and soft tissue. Second, the shot pellets are loaded with granulated buffering material. This supple, rubbery powder absorbs a good deal of recoil energy, which only helps the shot pellets to remain even rounder. Federal’s FliteControl wad erects multiple petals around its base during ignition. These act as a gas seal to promote more efficient propulsion, stabilize the shot column for greater accuracy, and enable the wad to cleanly detach from its shot immediately following expulsion from the barrel, which in turn enhances pattern density. It’s a high-performance wad for high-importance applications. Federal’s Minnesota-made shotshells are exclusively loaded with sensitive primers and clean-burning powder. Officially sanctioned by the National Rifle Association!