
308 - 125 Grain GMX - Black Hills Gold - 20 Rounds

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308 - 125 Grain GMX - Black Hills Gold - 20 Rounds

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We love it when a superlative ammunition manufacturer teams up with an equally accomplished bullet expert to make an end-all hunting cartridge. That’s why we’re particularly fond of this 308 Win. It’s made by Black Hills, whose loading techniques render any argument that handloading isn’t an art completely irrelevant. One would imagine that firearm manufacturers such as Colt, Smith & Wesson, and Springfield Armory could tag anyone they desired for their testing ammo. That they consistently choose Black Hills is an objective testament to their quality. Black Hills themselves tagged Hornady to make this cartridge’s 125 grain projectile. It is a GMX, which features the monolithic copper construction that Californian hunters require. The virtue of copper extends beyond its friendliness to the environment -- its greater toughness than lead’s means that the GMX loses no more than five percent of its weight as it penetrates a target, and it furthermore greatly reduces bore fouling. The GMX’s sleek profile, cannelures, and polymer tip give it great accuracy, and its tip permits it to expand up to 1.5 times its original diameter during penetration. “Black Hills & Hornady” ought to become as iconic a team-up “Bonnie & Clyde,” “Hall & Oates,” or “peanut butter & jelly.”

308 - 125 Grain GMX - Black Hills Gold - 20 Rounds For Sale

308 - 125 Grain GMX - Black Hills Gold - 20 Rounds Specs

2 Category

Technical Data

Bullet Weight

125 Grain

Bullet Type


Ammo Casing




Primer Type


Muzzle Velocity (fps)


Muzzle Energy (ft lbs)


Attracts Magnet


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