
308 - 150 Grain FMJ - Tula - 20 Rounds

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This newly manufactured ammunition is PERFECT for target practice, range training, or plinking. It is both economical and reliable and is produced by one of the most established ammunition plants in the world. Tula ammunition derives its name from its birthplace, the Tula Cartridge Works in Tula, Russia. The Tula Cartridge Works plant was founded in 1880 and is currently one of the largest ammunition manufacturing plants in the world. The Tula name has gained a following worldwide for its rugged, reliable, and economical product. This cartridge complies with CIP requirements and the casing features a polymer-coated steel casing with a non-corrosive Berdan Primer. The projectile features a bimetal jacket (contains steel and copper) and a lead core resulting in excellent ballistics characteristics. This ammunition is rugged like the country where it was manufactured and keeps its qualities under temperatures ranging from -4 degrees Fahrenheit to 122 degrees Fahrenheit ensuring that it will perform when needed most. Muzzle Velocity: 2800 fps Max Pressure: 42,700 psi

308 - 150 Grain FMJ - Tula - 20 Rounds For Sale

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308 - 150 Grain FMJ - Tula - 20 Rounds Specs

2 Category

Technical Data

Bullet Weight

150 Grain

Bullet Type

Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)

Ammo Casing




Primer Type


Muzzle Velocity (fps)


Muzzle Energy (ft lbs)


Attracts Magnet


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