
308 - 150 Grain SP - Federal Non-Typical Whitetail - 20 Rounds

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308 - 150 Grain SP - Federal Non-Typical Whitetail - 20 Rounds Gun Stats

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A proven rifle chambered in the veteran caliber of .308 Winchester can only get better when it's running these soft point rounds from Federal's Non-Typical brand. These cartridges are specifically intended to help hunters bag the whitetail deer of their dreams and do so via stringent quality control and attention to detail. Each 150-grain projectile is built with a sleek, concentric copper jacket which exhibits excellent balance and drag resistance. The bullet's tapered lead nose promotes wide expansion on impact and cuts a large, free-bleeding wound cavity into a game animal before flattening out and throwing its energy into the most vital organs. This cuts down on run-offs and is intended to put a deer down quickly, efficiently, and humanely. 150 grains is of median weight to the .308 caliber which lends it relatively light recoil alongside a laser-like flight path. The projectile comes crimped into a reloadable brass casing that has a clean-igniting Boxer primer affixed to its base. Federal draws these components from their own manufacturing plants which have been trusted to supply military sharpshooters as well as Olympic-level competitors. Federal Premium ammunition is widely revered in the United States and supported by experience dating back to 1922.

308 - 150 Grain SP - Federal Non-Typical Whitetail - 20 Rounds For Sale

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308 - 150 Grain SP - Federal Non-Typical Whitetail - 20 Rounds Specs

1 Brand

2 Category

Technical Data

Bullet Weight

150 Grain

Bullet Type

Soft-Point (SP)

Ammo Casing




Primer Type


Muzzle Velocity (fps)


Muzzle Energy (ft lbs)


Attracts Magnet


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