
308 - 168 Grain Sierra MatchKing OTM - PMC X-TAC Match - 20 Rounds

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308 - 168 Grain Sierra MatchKing OTM - PMC X-TAC Match - 20 Rounds Gun Stats

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The X-TAC Match line from PMC is a great way for precision shooters to load up with match ammo at a low cost. These .308 cartridges use boat-tail hollow-point (BTHP) projectiles which resist drag in-flight as well as deviation caused by heat during travel. The bullets used in construction are Sierra MatchKing open-tip match (OTM) rounds which are the very same used by reputable companies like Black Hills and Norma; they also match the ballistics of top-of-line offerings by Federal and Hornady . These rounds will leave the muzzle of a 24 inch barrel at 2,700 feet per second with will experience a drop of 8.5 inches at 300 yards when zeroed at 200 yards. PMC is a South Korean manufacturer that uses their experience with creating NATO-spec ammunition to offer commercial exports at a great price point. Their products, noted for their reliability and consistency with military specifications, have expanded and evolved to non-military calibers, self-defense rounds, and match-grade precision offerings. PMC products are both imported from Korea and produced in Texas

308 - 168 Grain Sierra MatchKing OTM - PMC X-TAC Match - 20 Rounds For Sale

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308 - 168 Grain Sierra MatchKing OTM - PMC X-TAC Match - 20 Rounds Specs

1 Brand


2 Category

Technical Data

Bullet Weight

168 Grain

Bullet Type

Open Tip Match

Ammo Casing




Primer Type


Muzzle Velocity (fps)


Muzzle Energy (ft lbs)


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