
.22 CB

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About The .22 CB Ammo is a powerful and better performing version of the .22 BB rimfire metallic Ammo, designed and manufactured in 1845 in France. These cartridges are relatively low velocity and quiet bullets that are most suitable for indoor purposes. The .22 CB Ammo was primarily intended as a cartridge cross between the .22 BB Ammo and the .22 Short Ammo. However, the combination was a disaster and carried the disadvantages of both bullets used to create it. The Americans dropped the .22 CB Ammo in the 1940s; however, the Europeans still use it today. The .22 CB Ammo has a somewhat small propellant charge that creates a low muzzle velocity and energy and loses velocities and muzzle energy faster in long barrel guns. The .22 CB Ammo has an overall length f 13.2mm, and the bullet diameter of this cartridge is 5.6mm. The 18-grain bullet variant of the .22 CB Ammo can travel at a velocity of 853 feet per second, creating an energy level of 39 ft.lbf. Manufacturer The .22 CB Ammo was designed by Louis Nicolas Flobert in 1888, using the .22 BB Ammo as the parent case in France. Uses The .22 CB Ammo is a quiet bullet that produces low velocity and energy levels, suitable for indoor shootings. In Europe, the .22 CB Ammo is also used for pest control purposes.

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