
30-06 - 150 Grain SP - Federal Power-Shok - 20 Rounds

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30-06 - 150 Grain SP - Federal Power-Shok - 20 Rounds Gun Stats

30-06 - 150 Grain SP - Federal Power-Shok - 20 Rounds

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Manufactured by Federal Premium Ammunition, this product is a hard hitting round that is sure to deliver the performance you are looking for out in the field. Federal's reputation for quality coupled with the premium bullets used are sure to leave you with results that you can count on! Brand new, brass-cased, boxer-primed, non-corrosive, and reloadable. It is a staple hunting and target practice ammunition.

30-06 - 150 Grain SP - Federal Power-Shok - 20 Rounds For Sale

30-06 - 150 Grain SP - Federal Power-Shok - 20 Rounds Specs

1 Brand

2 Category

Technical Data

Bullet Weight

150 Grain

Bullet Type

Soft-Point (SP)

Ammo Casing




Primer Type


Attracts Magnet


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