
41 Action Express

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About The .41 Action Express Ammo is a cartridge designed for pistols in 1986 in the United States and Israel. The original intention behind its creation was to reproduce the performance of the .41 Magnum Ammo Police Load, a reduced bullet load in semi-automatic pistols. The parent case used to design the .41 Action Express Ammo was the .42 Magnum Ammo case, which was cut down to fit a 9mmP frame using a rebated rim. The .41 Action Express Ammo had a similar performance to the police load .41 Magnum Ammo. The .41 Action Express Ammo concept was very attractive since the rebated rim allowed a simple change to convert many 9mm Ammo guns to chambers its bullet. However, the .41 Action Express Ammo was doomed to obscurity, but the concept of the rebated rim was never lost. Manufacturer The .41 Action Express Ammo was designed by Even Whildin and was developed by Action Arms in 1986 in the United States and Israel. Uses The .41 Action Express Ammo was used in many guns because of its results in law enforcement and tactical usage. Good accuracy and optimum firepower made it a good choice for police work and the FBI.

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