Colt CSR-15
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Critic Consensus
The pistol grip is a Hogue rubber grip with finger grooves that will fit some shooters hands perfectly and will be hated by others. It is non-slip, though, and has a high, rounded backstrap that creates a longer trigger reach compared to a standard A2-style grip. If you dont like it, you can easily change it out. Read critic reviews...
Colt CSR-15 for Sale
Colt CSR-15 Critic Reviews
Colt CSR-15 Description
The Colt Sporting Rifles look, feel, and perform just like competition rifles. The CSR-15 is made in the U.S.A. and features a gas-operated direct-impingement system, a 30-round magazine, a 6-position adjustable stock, and accessory rails.Technical Data
Colt CSR-15 Ballistics
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