IWI Galil Ace
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Charging handle (reciprocating) moved to the left side of the milled steel receiver allowing for weak hand operation, Weight reduction with the use of modern polymers, Picatinny tri-rail forearm with built in, slide on/ off rail covers with pressure switch accessSide Folding adjustable telescoping buttstock with 2 position removable comb on all rifle models, Fully adjustable iron sights with Tritium front post and... Read critic reviews...
IWI Galil Ace for Sale
IWI Galil Ace Critic Reviews
IWI Galil Ace Description
The IWI US Galil ACE will be available initially in 7.62x39mm with an 16" barrel and an overall length of 34.5. The Galil ACE pistol has a 2-piece Picatinny rail with adjustable front and rear sights with Tritium post onthe front site. The Tri-Rail forearm system features removable covers, including a protected pressure switch area. The Galil accepts standard AK-style magazines.A feature of the IWI US Galil ACE is the new location of the charging handle. It has been moved to the left side enabling the user to maintain control over the pistol while charging and also allows for faster target reacquisition. The safety selector is available on right and left sides.Technical Data
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